Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dead (ish)

by Naomi Kramer.

 *Warning: explicit words used in reference to direct quotes in the book*

My first post is, ironically enough, on a book of the type I don't normally read. I was bored at school, waiting for my next class to start, so I was looking through the Amazon Kindle app on my smartphone. I did a search on "free" and came up with a variety of different books, including a few "free" short stories.

The first thing that attracted me to the book was the cover. I know you're not supposed to judge the story based on some different artist's work, but the cute female skull and cross bones made me think of my sister, who tends to like the emo things. After reading the reviews, I decided to check it out.

It's about a girl ghost who is haunting her ex-boyfriend, who killed her, "accidentally". All she wants is to find her body so she can move on to the afterlife. She can appear to people, and so she hires a PI to investigate the case and find her body. He poses as an exorcist to the still-living boyfriend, and finds himself in the middle of a crazy story.

In the beginning I felt bad for the guy, she seems like a real bitch. His side of the story is she cheated on him and during their argument he slapped her and she fell over on her high heels and cracked her head on something, dying in her sleep later that night. As far as I was concerned, she halfway had it coming to her.

But then you find out what he did with her body and....all those pitying feelings went away. No spoilers!

My favorite quote from the book is probably this: Arty-farty doesn't just equal freaky in the sack, it also equals nasty genius revenge.

I would recommend this book for anyone who likes paranormal things, and only for mature readers. They say Fuck alot, although I never did understand why they'd say that, but then only say arsehole. I don't know any real person who uses that world. If you're going to say arsehole, then fuck should turn into frick, or something. They also reference a threesome, which I wasn't exactly expecting. But, you've been warned, lol.

I'll give it a two/five stars for the books I've read, but a three/four stars for a short story.

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